Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Epic Failure

My self-imposed, 21-day Earth Day challenge was to leave off of plastic containers and packaging. So far, it has been an epic failure. In the week leading up to the start of the challenge, I realized that there were a number of things that I would have to give up. I don't think a cracker exists in America that doesn't, in some way, involve plastic packaging. Even my organic corn chips that come in the Earth-friendly brown paper bag have a little plastic viewing window!

My first problem was all of the plastic in my house. I gave up Ziploc baggies a year ago because they are just too tempting to dispose of, but I still have Ziploc brand food storage containers. I went online to order non-plastic versions, but even the glass containers come with plastic lids. Hmph! My next deviation from the plan was when I made a rare trip to the local vegan store to buy some supplies. Finally, I was able to find the much raved about Daiya cheese and Gardein meat replacements. I couldn't resist them. I'd wanted them for so long. I could've waited until my challenge was over, but what would that prove? Then, on an impulse, I went to Starbucks. I didn't have a travel mug with me (which is made out of plastic, anyway) and nearly KICKED myself when I got my coffee -- the cup may be compostable, but the lid is made out of plastic. ARGH!!!

So far, all this challenge has taught me is how pervasive plastics are. Many of them are recyclable, so that helps. But it takes petroleum, water, and energy to make them in the first place. I started realizing that almost all of the fantastically compassionate products I buy come in not-so-compassionate packaging. It got me to thinking: how can companies that cares so deeply about cruelty-free, non-GMO, organic foods not think twice about packaging their foods in materials that are not recyclable and/or won't degrade in the natural environment?

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